luni, 23 mai 2011

Georgia, o insula de liberalism in coasta... Rusiei

Pentru multi dintre noi, fosta republica sovietica (socialista) Georgia este doar acea buturuga mica care s-a pus cu carul rusesc, initiind in 2008 actiuni militare in Osetia de Sud. Despre presedintele Mihail Saakashvili s-au spus tot felul de lucruri, mai mult sau mai putin adevarate: ca este excentric, ca este omul americanilor, ba chiar ca se drogheaza.

Nu vreau sa fac o pledoarie pentru omul Saakashvili, ci pentru viziunea politicienilor georgieni asupra reformarii tarii (sau in termeni specifici plaiurilor noastre mioritice, cum au vazut ei "modernizarea tarii").

Iata extras de pe site-ul Ministerului de Externe georgian:

Lower Tax Rates
In 2005 a new Tax Code was enacted. Under the Code, the number of taxes was reduced 3-fold and tax rates were lowered considerably.

Fewer Licenses and Permits for Doing Business
The number of business activities subject to licensing and permitting regimes was reduced by 84%. Licensing procedures were simplified and the one stop shop principle was introduced.

Improved Technical Regulation System
The technical regulation system was reformed to give way to a voluntary standards system and reduce state regulation in this sphere. The new laws provide for the introduction of technical regulations in compliance with international standards to significantly simplify procedures for exporters and importers.

Less Regulation by the State
The deregulation policy significantly reduced the number of spheres regulated by the state and simplified the necessary regulation procedures.

Aggressive Policy of Privatization
Privatization of state property is in progress, stimulating the growth and development of the private sector.

Customs Reform
A new Customs Code has been elaborated, offering significantly simplified customs administration procedures.

Lower Import Duties in 2006 and no Import Duties in 2008
On September 1, 2006 one additional and significant step was made towards trade liberalization, when the Law of Georgia on "Customs Tariffs" came into force.
The new law provides for the reduction of tariff rates up to 0%, 5% and 12%, instead of the existing 16 tariff rates (0%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 15%, 16%, 17%, 18%, 20%, 25%, 30%) used till 1 September of 2006. The law stipulates a further liberalization of the Georgian customs tax system and envisages transition to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System HS 2002.
The adoption of the new law aims at improvement of investment climate and protection of customer’s rights through trade liberalization.

According to the Law of Georgia on "Customs Tariff” all existing tariffs were reduced from 12-30% to 12%, from 5-12% - to 5%, and from 0-5% - to 0%.

Today Georgia's tariff rates are the second lowest worldwide.

Pentru cei ce sufera de neputinta intelectuala de a gandi si in alte paradigme contrafactuale decat in cea etatista, iata ca se poate! Si se poate mai bine... in primul rand pentru cetateni! Iar Georgia este un caz real, posibil de analizat si cuantificat, nu o utopie teoretico-fantasmagorica de sorginte anarho-capitalista (cum spun cei indoctrinati!!!). 

PS: cei interesati de o analiza in limba romana foarte bine detaliata si argumentata pot citi studiul elaborat in cadrul Centrului pentru Economie si Libertate (ECOL) de colegul si prietenul meu, Bogdan Glavan.

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